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Organic Humic Acid Based Production


Based on the results of a more than 30-year international research and development project, with our patented process, we manufacture a fully water-soluble, organic, bee-friendly concentrate of AT LEAST 60% humic acid content, that can revitalize soil by restoring soil life. Applied exclusively in the soil, as a biostimulant, in conventional farming, it enables the use of smaller amounts of organic and chemical fertilizers.

Boosts yields, and improves the nutrient content of the produce. The two-component system generates a major increase in yields and dramatically improved stress-tolerance (an at least 20% improvement). Used in combination with the BIOMIT® foliage conditioners, our products enable completely chemical-free organic farming

The Three Key Effects Of The System


The giant humic acid molecules
combine to form an infinite carbon-oxygen chain in the soil,
creating a water-retaining layer
preventing rain from flushing down into the deeper soil layers. This layer boosts root growth and renders plants increasingly drought tolerant.

The more vigorous root system leaves an increased amount of organic matter in the soil after harvest, reducing the required amount of organic or chemical fertilizers by up to 50-70%


Pure humic acid acts as a catalyst on soil-borne bacteria.

The concentrate itself contains no live organisms – this is not a bacterium product! It is resistant to sunlight and easy to use.

In the presence of the soil improving product HUMIN AQUAR bacterial cell division time reduces from 4 hours to 15 minutes, causing the soil ecosystem to regenerate itself, quickly, without the use of any chemical.


Humic acid molecules, the most potent chelators, transform chemical bonds in the soil that render nutrients inaccessible for plants.

In this way, as if forming a bridge, they make substances that have been added to the soil over decades with the organic and chemical fertilizers applied by farmers suitable for utilization by crops. The humic bridge makes these nutrients suitable for absorption, resulting in extremely vigorous and productive vegetation in a completely natural way.

What Makes HUMIN AQUA Different?

A wide range of products referred to as humic acid is available in the market and humic acid is one of the world’s most intensively researched substances. Why should you choose this one then? REAL PURE HUMIC ACID - not all that is black is humic acid!

Lots of ‘humic products’ contain nothing but simple, inexpensive undigested carbon and since it takes expensive laboratory tests – or yield increases that have failed to materialize – to prove that what they contain is not really humic acid, many a farmer has been deceived by cheap Asian products or products that are sold in Hungary without authorization. The HUMIN AQUA® system is guaranteed to contain at least 60% humic acid concentrate, which is assured by monthly checks by accredited laboratory tests (EUROFINS) and the Hungarian authorization issued by NÉBIH, which is well known to be one of Europe’s most rigorous supervisory bodies.

FULL WATER-SOLUBILITY, GUARANTEED EFFECT - the essence of our innovation lies in the gentle extraction know-how, the patented Gömöry process. It took years of research for Professor Gömöry to develop the method to render the initially insoluble humic acids fully water-soluble, which is crucially important because in this way they can have their effect work in the presence of rainwater.

Products of nearly 100 manufacturers of humic products from all over the world were tested – only some have been found to be actually water-soluble, but other products have humic acid contents as low as 5-15%.

IT IS ORGANIC, HARMLESS TO LIVE ORGANISMS – our product is certified organic and bee-friendly, and is not dangerous to human health. During our presentations, we routinely take a sip of the concentrate and smear it on our skin. Not many of our rivals will do that.

The gentle natural technique used to extract humic acids produces this entirely safe, precious, and natural substance which we are very proud to represent all over the world and to integrate into agricultural, human health, or sports-related systems.